- Biography
- Discography
- Official Site
- Official Fanclub - Heresy
- Global PSC Fanclub
- Official MySpace
- Official Facebook
- Official Youtube
- Official LINE
- Official Vine
- the GazettE Media (Facebook)
- the GazettE Media (Twitter)
- the GazettE stuff
- Interview
- Project Dark Age - [Eng] - [JP]
Members :
RUKI / ルキ (VOC) ( lihat profile )
Uruha / 麗 (GUITAR) ( lihat profile )
Reita / れいた (BASS) ( lihat profile )
Kai / 戒 (DRUM) ( lihat profile )
Others :
Note! :
Others :
- Manager (Twitter ) (Facebook)
- Hairstylish
- the GazettE Staff
- Photographer
- Black Moral
- RAD Market
Note! :
- Interview adalah sebagian interview yang saia translate ke dalam bahasa Indonesia, masih sedikit tapi akan saia perbanyak lagi (insyaAllah).
- Blog member hanya bisa diakses oleh Heresy.